In some cases you need to define the external as internal url for your client access servers. This is the case when you use a wild card certificate. I thought of creating a script that asks for the url, and implements that url for all your virtual directories on all you client access servers.
[Code] 8/12/2010#
Write-host "Please fill in the url you wish to use. Use the world wide web name ("
$url = Read-Host
#Set the owa virtual directories#
$Cas = get-owavirtualdirectory
Foreach ($_.Name in $Cas) {set-owavirtualdirectory $_.Name -internalurl https://"$url"/owa -externalurl https://"$url"/owa}
$Show = get-owavirtualdirectory | Select-Object Name, Internalurl, Externalurl
write-host "Following url's have been set for Outlook Web App"
Write-Host $Show
#Set the ActiveSync virtual directories#
$Active = Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory
Foreach ($ in $Active) {Set-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory $_.Name -internalurl https://"$url"/MicrosoSelect-Object-Server-ActiveSync -externalurl https://"$url"/MicrosoSelect-Object-Server-ActiveSync}
$Show = Get-ActiveSyncVirtualDirectory | Select-Object Name, Internalurl, Externalurl
write-host "Following url's have been set for Outlook Web App"
Write-Host $Show
#Set the Offline Address Book#
$Book = Get-OabVirtualDirectory
Foreach ($_.Name in $Book) {Set-OabVirtualDirectory $ -Internalurl https://"$url"/Oab -externalurl https://"$url"/Oab}
$Show = Get-OabVirtualDirectory | Select-Object Name, Internalurl, Externalurl
write-host "Following url's have been set for Outlook Web App"
Write-Host $Show
#Set the Exchange Control Panel#
$ExCoP = Get-EcpVirtualDirectory
Foreach ($_.Name in $ExCop) {Set-ecpVirtualDirectory $ -Internalurl https://"$url"/Ecp -externalurl https://"$url"/Ecp}
$Show = Get-EcpVirtualDirectory | Select-Object Name, Internalurl, Externalurl
write-host "Following url's have been set for Outlook Web App"
Write-Host $Show
#Set-Offline Address Book SCP
$Cas = Get-ClientAccessServer
ForEach ($_.Name in $Cas) {Set-ClientAccessServer $_.Name -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri https://"$Url"//Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xml}
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